Bugs and more bugs, oh my!

Look what happened! It's par for my life this summer. I just finished writing my Blog for Fall and guess what? This summertime blog never got posted! Well, even though it's late, it still rings true, especially since my next blog is called Adios Bugs, Hello Fall.

Lions, and tigers, oh my!!! Except here at the lake it's more like, bugs and more bugs, oh my!!!

Although we live in town, this town is in the middle of nowhere. This lake is in the middle of nowhere. We are surrounded by woods and trust me, these woods have eyes!
Lots of ugly bug eyes!

I spent a couple hundred dollars this summer on bug retardant plants and still, we can't sit on my back porch day or night without getting bit by something. And most of the time we don't know what that something was. These ferocious man-eating bugs are quick and agile.

 My daughter and I were watching HGTV the other day, discussing our dream place to live.  We moved to Oklahoma eight years ago together and still hate the bugs. We love to leave the back door open and let fresh air in. My husband is always complaining about the flies we let in. "Don't you have bugs in California?"
Well, yes, but there are millions more here (no exaggeration).

We love the fact that there are four seasons here.
I love the thunderstorms and pounding rain! But then it goes away and the damn bugs come back!
I think it's time to invest in concrete and rocks. I'm done with trying to enjoy so much nature. Rocks are nature.

A screened porch may be the solution. Now I know why there are so many of them in the south.
I'm still learning and trying to figure out this life here.
Screened Porch Design Ideas-06-1 Kindesign
Photo by Kindesign
I would love to hear any suggestions to de-bug my life. I'm pretty comfortable here and although it's fun to dream about living where there are fewer bugs, I live at the lake and it's a dream place to live.
And guess what? I'm a Realtor and can help you find your dream place by the lake (just had to throw that in).
Happy warm sunny days!


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